Glute training off the smith machine kicks ass. There are so many good exercises you can do off of it. Please don’t listen to trainers and coaches who bash the smith machine. I can assure you that they haven’t experimented with it like we have at Glute Lab.
Free weights will always reign supreme, but machines are awesome as well. Here are 30 awesome glute exercises to do using the smith machine.
Shout out to Coach Ashley Hodge for demo’ing all the exercises!
Knee-Banded Squats and Hip Thrusts for Glute Growth: Yay or Nay?

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Booty By Bret is an online strength and conditioning program for women catering to all levels of fitness from beginners who are new to strength training to bikini competitors and powerlifters. These total body strength training workouts are highly efficient to maximize aesthetics, body composition, strength, and athletic goals. Take your training to the next level and improve your physique in as little as 3 hours per week!